Our friends at XMPie recently held their annual Innovation Day in the UK for their customers, prospects and partners. We were there too. As we have come to expect from XMPie, they certainly made sure to demonstrate their own solutions in the pre-event communications. After registering for the event, all participants received two personalized emails in the run-up to the day with a link to their personalised event microsite. It was simple, well-designed and informative – showing the agenda, speakers, partners and directions to the venue. A perfect example of what every business event, whether small or large, should provide.

Printers can be the worst at eating their own dog food! Many produce beautiful and effective marketing communications for their customers, but they all too often forget to promote themselves in print. But we were fortunate enough to be asked to work recently with a printer on a spectacular piece of direct mail. They wanted to tell their customers and prospects about their new B2 digital press. So guess what? They produced a B2 size folded personalized direct mail piece. It talked all about their amazing capabilities on one side, and on the other there was a B2 size personalized map showing the route and distance to their facility from each recipient’s location. A great way of saying, “you’re not far away from us, so come see our new press in action and find out what we can do for you”.
Here at locr, whenever we exhibit at a business event we always like to get involved by offering personalized maps for the pre-event marketing or creating a map of local amenities to give away from our booth at the event. Either way, it all helps to put us on the map!