Marketing channels need to be reconsidered regularly. Many retailers in particular come up with their own apps and experiment with digital content. The German discount supermarket ALDI Süd phased out printed door drop leaflets as a test – only to bring them back right away.
Printed flyers with weekly supermarket deals are popular. ALDI Süd tried something new: they phased these out in a test region in Southern Germany. Instead the recipients were offered digital content, or a free subscription of the printed version they had to set up manually. This test is still running, and still, it became clear that the customers wanted the printed flyers back.
During and after inflation it is still relevant to find the best deals and save money. Printed flyers from supermarkets play a key role here and are an essential marketing channel for many supermarkets.[1] In addition Aldi Süd also announced to place more newspaper advertisements – another reliable print channel that turns out to be well received.[2]
Last year the German food retailer REWE announced to get rid of printed leaflets and introduced their own app instead, which was widely discussed within the German-speaking printing industry for various reasons.[3] Interestingly enough, this app is now being advertised with print flyers!
Printed marketing material continues to be highly effective and appreciated by customers. Direct mail, EDDM, print flyers or magazine advertisements: print products are reliable and ensure that your message gets heard. There are many creative options to incorporate print touchpoints into your cross media marketing strategy.
Unaddressed, non-personalized print products like these supermarket leaflets can easily be enhanced with personalized digital content and bring valuable insights for future marketing activities: The locrFINDER is an online location finder that shows your customers the quickest route from their home to the nearest store without the need of personalized response elements. Find more information here!
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