There is a wide range of packaging solutions, innovative and sustainable materials and finishing options. Online purchases and e-commerce sales are constantly increasing.2 The packaging industry is growing, and packaging options are trending year after year at every trade show.
A striking design attracts attention and connects with the customer from the very first second, way before they see the actual product. At the same time, information on the product or brand is provided without any effort. This positive first impression is automatically associated with the entire product and the company.
One step further: personalized packaging has an even bigger impact on the customer and can be implemented quickly and easily. Our samples show envelopes with different personalized maps highlighting the route from a customer to a business location near them. This is guaranteed to attract attention and provides relevant information like directions, distances and travel time, which is proven to boost response rates. Personalized maps engage the recipient right away and connect with them on an emotional level.

Moreover, recognizing your home location and familiar neighborhood is more unique and special, than only being addressed by your name. It gives a feeling of owning a product that was exclusively made for the individual customer.
At that point, the endowment effect comes into play: by owning an item (or even holding it in your hands), we automatically find it more valuable and would rather not give it back.3 Products that come in a personalized package promote this feeling of ownership, build a stronger connection with the recipient and will therefore release more positive emotions.
No matter if one or multiple locations – locr MAPS are customized for your project and available in different styles and designs. Contact us and tell us about your ideas!
1: https://blog.drupa.com/en/packaging-makes-the-brand/
2: https://www.statista.com/statistics/379046/worldwide-retail-e-commerce-sales/
3: Touch! – Der Haptik-Effekt im multisensorischen Marketing. Hartmann, O., Haupt, S., p.82f.