locr Case Study Print Solutions

locr CASE STUDY: Print Solutions Personalized Covers Promote Local Paper Merchant Branches Objectives Premier Paper, a leading paper merchant in the UK, wanted to highlight the proximity of their branches to their customers. They teamed up with Earth Island, the publisher of the monthly ‘Print Solutions’, to create a magazine that would also allow the…

AARP Case Study locr personalized Geomarketing

PODi Case Study AARP

PODi CASE STUDY: AARP Projekt Aims & Results The AARP Driver Safety (ADS) team uses a number of tactics to attract half a million attendees to its courses throughout the USA each year. However, 5 years ago, ADS experienced declining audiences for the in-person courses. They wanted to increase the number of attendees and also…

PODi Case Study Print Solutions

PODi CASE STUDY: Print Solutions Projekt Aims & Results For the June edition of Print Solutions, publisher Earth Island wanted to show their readership what’s possible with digital print and variable data. To take the issue beyond the normal forms of personalization, they turned to locr for geomarketing solutions. This one-off project not only created…