Print Moves: The Power of Maps

eBOOK: The Power of Maps In this ebook you will find the most important facts from our comprehensive White Paper “The Power of Maps”: We looked at scientific studies on the perception and psychology of geographic maps and image perception in general: Why are maps so appealing to us, why are they even more effective than…

Direct Mail vs. Sustainability

eBOOK: Direct Mail vs. Sustainability Direct mail is a powerful tool for print and cross media campaigns, and can definitely support sustainable business values. Learn how print products pay off on many levels for your marketing campaigns and for the environment! This ebook provides tips and ideas on how to plan and implement efficient direct…

Geomarketing in Practice: Healthcare

This eBook covers the unique challenges of healthcare marketing and provides creative solutions for successful patient-centered communications. Using location data to advantage is an easy way to attract attention and guide patients to the closest hospital or doctor’s office. It includes a real success story of how the Orthopaedics Center at the University of Chicago…

3 Easy Steps for Marketing Success in 2023

In this article we provide three ideas to start the year off right and support your marketing goals for 2023. Even small shifts can make a big difference! Address List Clean Up Collecting customer information is essential for various reasons. But an increasing amount of data needs to be cleaned out from time to time:…

When in doubt – chocolate…

The festive dinner at your friend’s house, your company’s Christmas party or the family reunion: The holiday season can get quite busy, and it is always good to have quick and simple gift ideas on hand. This recipe needs very few ingredients, can be customized to your taste, and you can easily make a big…


TELEKOMMUNI CATIONS Visualize the shortest way to your companyUse location data to its full potentialSend relevant messages to the right audience Telecommunications is all about making connections – just as maps! Personalized maps provide valuable information, evoke emotions and directly address every individual recipient. This increases the impact of your campaign and leaves a lasting…

Financial Services

FINANCIAL SERVICES Guide clients to your servicesHighlight proximity of your business locationBuild credibility and strengthen customer loyalty Personalized maps easily visualize how close and accessible your company is. Your customers feeling personally addressed and imagining the way to your location can make all the difference! Based on geodata derived from simple address lists, you can…


AUTOMOTIVE Show the quickest route to your offerHighlight accessibility of your servicesCreate personalized, engaging advertisements Drivers use road maps and route directions every day – take advantage of that! Personalized maps directly address the customer, attract attention and are proven to boost response rates. Location data also allows you to refine your target group to…

Magazine Unsplash Girl Reading


locr GEOadverts allow magazine publishers and advertisers to use simple address lists to their advantage and create efficient, engaging advertisements. Geodata derived from your subscribers’ addresses holds surprising potential: By refining your target groups the right message will be sent to the most promising audience. This leads to increased response rates and more cost-efficient campaigns.…


VOTING Show where to vote and how to get thereEncourage positive emotions and engagementIncrease awareness and credibility Sending the right message to the right target group is the key to success. Use location data to provide relevant information, directly address every single recipient and motivate them to vote. Geodata lets you refine your target group,…