The locr BATCH Tool—Print-Ready Map Images on Demand

Get print-ready map images for your production – whenever you need them! Using the locr BATCH Tool you can create maps through our web frontend, and then download personalized maps directly from our servers. The best thing is—you only need your customers names and addresses to make a start on a campaign that adds value…

locr GEOservices and Maps Heatmap Address Assignment


Marketers around the world are using locr GEOservices to improve their marketing campaigns. And while the name may sound complex, locr GEOservices actually gives you an easy way to improve both your mailing list and your response rates. So let’s take a closer look at what locr GEOservices are and what they can do for your campaigns. locr…

Creating Success with Digital Communications

The Printing Industries of America (PIA) Digital Think Tank held a lively discussion about the opportunities digital printing is bringing to today’s print service providers. There is no doubt that the quality, speed, and low print volumes these digital printing solutions can produce are opening up new opportunities. Yet for all the opportunity, obstacles still…

Personalized Communication in Healthcare Marketing

After quality of care, location is one of the biggest factors patients consider when choosing a doctor. So, how can location-based marketing services help healthcare marketers create more patient-centered communications for the campaigns they create for their customers?   The Healthcare Market   The transformation of the U.S. healthcare industry has meant big changes in…

Geomarketing Is a Critical Step in Successful Direct Mail

In a recent research report, which you can download here, Pat McGrew of InfoTrends/KeyPoint Intelligence noted: Using location-based data to connect with consumers is one of the hottest trends in brand communication, but all too often, print and marketing service providers don’t leverage that data because they think it is too complex or time-consuming.  …